Nov 11, 2009

field trip.....

i doubt anyone is even attempting to keep up with this sad little blog anymore, i don't blame them, whoever they may be. I love my blog, it is therapeutic to me, but time slips away here in my new life and i haven't found the time to devote to something just for me. so for the sake of me, i will continue to update when time allows.

I had the most awesome opportunity to tag along on a field trip of sorts with a photography club to lost maple state park over the past weekend. this is a club from houston where i attended a total of one meeting last year, despite this and not being a paying member, they happily let me go on the trip since i live so close to the park now. this club is made up of hobbyist and professionals with spouses that gladly go along and share this passion. every one of the amazing people i meet this weekend had a story and a passion, they were so willing to share any knowledge they possessed about the ever learning art of photography. i have never experienced this with photographers before. my past experience with other photographers had, unfortunately, left me very skeptical of spending 2 days with a whole group of them, but they made me see the light that all photogs are not egotistical jerks!!!

i took nearly 500 pictures, which surprised me since i cannot 'see' landscape. landscape photography has never peaked my interest further than admiring someone elses ability to translate it in picture. i treat it as a point and shot opportunity when i see something beautiful, never taking the time to study and interpret . It is hard to interpret something so beautiful in a picture that is in landscape. but this weekend i started to 'see' and be able to tell what i saw in this beauty, i found a zone and really enjoyed my time and possibly a new found passion in my pursuit of learning the art of photography.....
the next picture was on the way back to one of the club members weekend house....the boot fence...with hundreds of worn and tattered boots lining the fence...

Nov 1, 2009


i tried my hardest to get a few good pictures of the boy this did not go as planned. we went to the local park along the Guadalupe river, i let the boys play for quite a long time so they would get it out of their system and to not tease them with the playground, but it still did not work. I was only able to get K to sit still for about 3 picture, only by threatening him with no TorTing!! T wouldn't even come close! here is K.....