Aug 20, 2009


We brought the boys to the beach again a few weeks ago, they love it so much! I can't imagine what they would think if they actually got to see a pretty beach and not a nasty mud hole, but that is besides the point! We really enjoy getting to the beach later in the evening so we can enjoy it without dying of heat stroke and not getting the sunburn to go along with it, and there is the plus of watching the sunset on the beach!!!!

this time we pushed our luck and because of bad traffic, got there RIGHT before dark, i had push my camera its limits to get the few shots i got so they are very grainy and on the dark side. The sunset picture is exactly what it looked like, i used my tripod, along with a long exposure so the colors would be true. Now you see how orange it is, well it made all my other picture wonky orange colored even with a custom white balance, hence the B&W!!!

Aug 14, 2009

time flies.....

I can't believe I woke up this morning and my baby was TWO. I am sad. I know he is my last and it is just flying by way to fast, it seems as though I just brought him home from the hospital. well, it hasn't flown by as quickly as it did with k, but I know with T, he is my baby and I will never see this age or another 2 year old party again, so it makes it worse. here are a few pictures I was able to catch last Sunday. I took about 50 pictures of him and because he moves so dang fast these are the only ones with decent focus. With him, composition is not even worth fretting about, so I just click and get what I get. I have realized looking at old photo's of me, it isn't the focus or composition that makes a good photo, it's everything in the background I can recognize and the fact that someone took the time to take a picture and keep it that makes everyone of them special. So I am keeping that in mind when I am snapping away at the kids, not to erase anything unless it is unrecognizably bad! enough rambling and on with the pictures.....
can you give me a smile, t???
where is your mouth, T?
can you show me you nose??
I thought that would be a good one in a few years.....

Aug 4, 2009

help me pick.....

I will be the first to admit I can't take a good landscape/architectural shot to same my life, I just don't have the eye for it, but what is worst is that I never know how to edit them.
My mom requested I take a photo of this old barn, it is neat, but I just can't seem to do it justice. So here are a few of my attempts at editing it, help me pick and if you have any suggestions please let me know!

SOOC-it's a little dark, all I did was resize/sharpen for the web
color pop

Aug 3, 2009

snapshot randomness.....

I am finally getting to some of the random shots I have taken of the boys over the last few months....where has the time gone?

yes, we are teaching him good manners!

He was so excited when he learned how to do back flips off the trapeze bar he called me at work to tell me!!!

you think this sucker is big enough???????

T wanted to play with the worms so bad, but he was just to scared of them, he is so funny!!
****disclaimer**** these are quick resize/sharpen for the web and uploaded small for time, sorry they look so funky.......