Aug 20, 2009


We brought the boys to the beach again a few weeks ago, they love it so much! I can't imagine what they would think if they actually got to see a pretty beach and not a nasty mud hole, but that is besides the point! We really enjoy getting to the beach later in the evening so we can enjoy it without dying of heat stroke and not getting the sunburn to go along with it, and there is the plus of watching the sunset on the beach!!!!

this time we pushed our luck and because of bad traffic, got there RIGHT before dark, i had push my camera its limits to get the few shots i got so they are very grainy and on the dark side. The sunset picture is exactly what it looked like, i used my tripod, along with a long exposure so the colors would be true. Now you see how orange it is, well it made all my other picture wonky orange colored even with a custom white balance, hence the B&W!!!

2 comments....clicky,clicky right here.....:

randi said...

Beautiful sunset!!
Looks like the boys are having a great time. Next time hand the camera over to S for a couple of you!!

Mamaw 28 said...

Good photos!!! You do a good job of making the best of what you have to work with. You have some really good looking subject in your photos.