Feb 14, 2009

what am i?.....*update*

okay, this big ol' dude has taken up residence in our backyard. i would really like to know what is making such an equally big mess out of everything under the tree! please let me know if you know what kind if bird this is!!

*Scott contacted a very nice lady on the internet that let us know it is a black-crowned night-heron, common to this area.*

3 comments....clicky,clicky right here.....:

randi said...

Jenn, it is a heron. I will see if I can figure out exactly which one it is!!
Thats cool he is in your back yard!!

randi said...

Dad says its not a heron!!

Heidi said...

I typed in Texas birds and looked through those and didn't find this bird. Now I am REALLY curious!!