Jun 10, 2009

a new adventure.....

anyone that knows Scott and I, knows how much we have always wanted to live in the hill country, preferably Kerrville. The country side there is SOOO beautiful, there is so much to do outside and of course there is the perk of great hunting for Scott. I have a few really good friends that live in Kerrville that I meet in college and they have been begging us for years to move. It really has never been an option because of the work Scott is in, so we never gave it more that 'I wish' response. I do, however have a standing place of employment at anytime just waiting for me. About a year ago Scott had a job lead he never followed up on because, unfortunately I was to scared to make the decision to leave.

A few weeks ago one of my friends there gave birth to her 4 child, so we loaded up on a Sunday morning and drove 4 hours to see her and the baby. The baby is so beautiful, btw! During a conversation with one of my other Friends there, Scott mentioned the possible job from a year ago, so Shelby got on the phone and Scott had an impromptu job interview the very next morning. The guy basically told Scott he could have the job as soon as we could sell our house. I was reeling.....just a quick trip to see a baby has possibly changed our lives!!!

So, now we are in the process of fixing up our poorly taken care of house to get it on the market in the next week....WOW. We have broken the news to our parents and my boss, which, both were very hard to do. The decision was not easy, we will be leaving basically the only place we have known and ALL of our family, not to mention my awesome job. I think the trade off will be such a wonderful change that we need, something fresh and completely different to give our lives the little added juice to get out of a rut, which has caused us a pretty rough year. All of the decision making and excitement of moving to our dream place does not compare to the excitement that I feel because I am doing this with Scott(and of course the kids). I love him so much and can't imagine taking this adventure with anyone else, we will be in our dream place together......

I have the boys signed up for school, which was also a hard choice to make seeing they have never been with anyone other than my sister, but again, I think it will be so good for them. WOW!! like I said before, anyone that knows us, knows what an awesome opportunity this is! I am praying everything works out and it is in the plans for us to be in our dream place now, if anyone wants to send positive thoughts and/or prayers that it all works we would greatly appreciate it!!!!
This is a few photos of the boys at the local park in Kerrville....we were suppose to stop quickly, let them dip their toes in the water, leave and go eat. well that did not happen......

3 comments....clicky,clicky right here.....:

Britney said...

Woohoo!! Your dream is finally becoming a reality :)

Mamaw 28 said...

How exciting!!!! Hold on to your dream as long as it's a dream that you and "S" dream together. The mutual support is the most important thing.

My Wonderful Life said...

I hope everything works out. I know how long you have wanted this. You must not leave without saying goodbye!!!!!!