Jun 26, 2007

Kyles first hair cut

So, Scott and I finally broke down and took Kyle for his first hair cut this past Saturday. I had known it needed to be cut for a while, but tried to put it off as long as possible! You know, that whole letting go thing! We were preparing ourselves for a pretty traumatic event, so I brought along his favorite snacks(raisins) and talked about his hair the whole way there. We both figured like any typical kid he would flip out as soon as they stared and try to grab for the scissors, so we picked a place that was just for kids. They had lots of toys, cartoons playing and a special little car for Kyle to sit in.

Once Kyle got in the car, discovered the gear shifter and got wrapped up he was as calm as can be. We were very proud of him! The ladies were SO good with him and did a wonderful job on his hair! When all was finished, our baby boy emerged one step closer to a "big boy"! They gave him a certificate to celebrate his first hair cut, with a Polaroid picture and a locket of hair attached. I still can't believe how different he looks with his baby hair gone. His hair now is VERY thick and course like his daddy's!

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