Oct 8, 2007

computers and remodels... pain in the rear!

Yeah-so-we still have not gotten our computer fixed. It really sucks to have to borrow other peoples computers, its just not the same as using your own. You just get use to the simplest thinks like, your own key pad, mouse, home page, the speed of your own computer, how to load picture's and where they go. It feels so imposing to search around on someone else's computer to find pictures and things. its just a pain in the rear!
But on the other hand, the floor is coming along nicely. Scott is doing a very nice job for never having layed tile before! his lines are straight and the tiles are flush with each other. I've got before pictures and daily pictures i will post soon..
hopefully this floor will be done soon(soon after hunting season... a whole other subject) and scott can REfocus on getting our computerS fixed! and yes anyone who caught that, the s is capitalized on purpose... we have two practically new computers broken!
Ty is getting super big still and Kyle is being a brat... whoever said terrible two's stared at two?? I think they are continuous from 1 1/2 to eternity.
i also got a few pictures of Ty and Cooper together i will post those soon also.

2 comments....clicky,clicky right here.....:

zippity-do-da said...

No wonder you don't spend alot of time at home. you're welcome to rummage at my computer anytime!

randi said...

I really can't believe that you called my precious, sweet grandson a BRAT. I'm sure he is just having a few bad days, right?!!!