Oct 1, 2007

Quick Update

i don't really have the time to write a lot, but i will at least post some picutres for you guys that have been begging!!

Ty has just about doubles his weight in 6 weeks! he is sleeping pretty well(better than kyle) lately!
We are unfortunatly in the middle of a remodel, scott decided a few weeks ago to tear up our nasty carpet and put in tile. i should be use to it, but it is miserable! it is dusty and stinky and our furniture is everywhere but where it should be! The bad part to this project is that of course it has evpanded to not only tile but new base boards, we are going to tear out the brinks in front of and aroundthe fire place and put marble, and possibly new formica on the counter tops. hopefully it will all be over soon!
well i will be back soon!
ty one week
ty two weeks old
kyle and ty(1 month)
ty 6 weeks
ty(6 weeks) with uncle stace

1 comments....clicky,clicky right here.....:

zippity-do-da said...

I know it has been happening since the dawn of time to countless people- but how do they grow so fast? It is so amazing to watch your kids grow.