Dec 27, 2007

Christmas 2007

i hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas and time with family and friends! Once Christmas eve finally got here, i began to feel the Christmas spirit, but up until them i was Scrooge in disguise. Unfortunately the true meaning of Christmas was lost around here and I got caught up in a whirlwind of stress and depression. we did not put up any decorations in the house at all and half of what we had outside didn't even work. maybe if i had done that it would have helped?

I did enjoy myself at my mother-in-law, Debra's house and at Scott's grandparents house on Christmas eve because it was layed back and not a lot of people. Christmas day at my parents house was very nice. it was just us, mom and dad and my sisters family. I did miss my grandparents, but there was a great spirit there, it must have been them!

Kyle still does not know the real meaning of Christmas, nor does he really understand about Santa, but he sure did start to really "get" the gift part!

He stared to recognize and point out Santa, he just doesn't realize yet that he brings the gifts! i can't wait to see the magic in his eyes when is waiting for Santa and the reindeer! eventually we will teach him the real meaning of Christmas, but first i guess i need to start getting back to the basics and feeling it in my heart.

Kyle got a lot of cute cloths, tractors, balls, a stick horse, a view finder and a hand made quilt form his aunt Stefanie. along with much more! His favorite gift though was a 99 cent ball and a Chinese paper yo-yo! Silly thing!

Ty got cloths, a rainforest music box for his crib and also a handmade quilt from aunt Stef.

This year i finally got to buy scott the "good" gift (with the help from his best friend!)! He got a new deer rifle that he has had his eye on for a while. i think finally he was excited about what i got him!

i have already made my new years resolution. it is to not let the holidays sneak up on me again. i want to be able to really enjoy the whole season and not ruin it for everyone around me. I don't want the boys to think of Christmas as stressful. i am really having to start looking at EVERYTHING different now!

picture#1-Me, Ty and Stace
picture#2 Me
picture#3 Klye w/ his tractor
picture#4 Scott and Kyle
picture#5 Kyle and Krestyn
picture#6 Ty

1 comments....clicky,clicky right here.....:

Heidi said...

Looks like ya'll had a great Chritmas. Christmas with kids is lots of fun!!