Feb 6, 2008

Let's Celebrate!

Cele'brat' is more like it.
though i can't blame his 2 year old behavoir totally on him, if that makes since.
his very inexperienced mom decided to throw K a last minute birthday celebration at, of all places....Chuck E. Cheese, on a sturday. the time was set at 4:00 in the afternoon on saturday. plenty of time to be well rested and fed with an afternoon nap and snack.
Well intentions always seen to come back and bite me right in the big rear end, because of all days he refused (for TWO hours) to take a nap, then was whiny and did not want any snack that i seemed fit.
So the over-hyped, noise overloaded mess at chuck E. cheese was disaster.....at first. he cryed, screamed, whined, and refused to ride rides, which he normally LOVES!
When the pizza arrived and everyone ate, regrouped and he finally warmed up to the chaos, it was on!
We could not keep up with the little guy, his energy and the sugery cake kicked in! and boy did he LOVE the games with tickets, he wanted his own and he wanted everyone elses! he learned real quick not the be stealin' other peoples tickets. So, in the end, the night was good with the company of demi, nonnie, pop, aunt zizi, uncle ben, krestyn, coop, sarah, haley, sandy, darrick, faith and gracie. Happy birthday baby!
i did learn my lesson though, about going to such a chaotic place on a saturday night with a tired 2 year old. sorry T, you will NOT have your 2nd birthday at Chucky E. Cheese!
This is the only picture that i have edited and realy, due to bad lighting, my lack of experience in chaotic birthdays and amuture photo skills.

1 comments....clicky,clicky right here.....:

Cynthia said...

Hey Jennifer - thanks for your comment on my blog. Enjoyed reading yours! I actually just got the same camera for Christmas and am trying to figure it all out. It's fun, though! I will tell JP I heard from you!