Apr 1, 2009

down at the coast.....

for the last three years we have joined Scott's cousin, with his family along with Scott's brother, and his family on a weekend trip to the coast to fish. this year my BIL and SIL, niece and nephew couldn't make it, but it was still a wonderful weekend getaway. this is the first time we have gone and the weather was nice, so the boys got a lot of outside and beach time!! i have only gone through a few of the hundreds of pictures i took, these are a few of the detail pictures.......
K had a blast helping G & H check the crab traps!!
this is a sheep head fish. first of all, i had no idea there was a fish called a sheep head, so when the guys were talking about a sheep head....i thought they were really talking about a SHEEP HEAD and could not figure out why you would use a sheep head as bait.....yes its embarrassing.....
second, i was completely fascinated by the fact that this fish had teeth just like a human, who knew??? you can bet i won't be swimmin' around in that water!!!!!!

2 comments....clicky,clicky right here.....:

randi said...

Great photos Jenn!!
The TEETH, OMGosh, I had no idea fish had teeth like that!!

Homegrown Living said...

awesome shots...i love the one of the things (don't know the correct word at the momemnt - don't laugh) sticking in the water!