Jul 10, 2009

down on the farm.....

I am so far behind on editing or even uploading my photos it seems like I will never get through them.
We went to the farm with my BIL & SIL several weeks ago and I am just now getting around to the pictures. this was the best trip we have had in a long time because T is getting bigger and not so dependent. I think he actually had the most fun having so much room to just run around. He got to ride on his 4-wheeler and the big 4-wheeler, not sure which he liked better!
K was in heaven because he could be outside all day, throwing the football, eating watermelon, playing in the sprinkler and of course riding on the 4-wheeler! he gets to drive the big 4-wheeler with daddy on it, he thinks he is just to big for his britches! we did have to start taking precaution when turning off the 4-wheelers, leaving them in gear because he was caught starting it and putting it in gear with no one on it with him. his Aunt S caught him driving off, it scared her and I am pretty sure she scared the poo out of him:)!!!! That was definitely an eye opener to NEVER take your eyes off the kiddos!
K and T got to pick fresh veggies out of the garden, they thought it was pretty cool to be able to eat the corn right there! I don't think I have ever tasted corn so good, and it wasn't even cooked yet. That was the best meal that night, fresh picked corn, fresh picked black-eyed peas and chickens BBQ by my SIL's dad. YUMMY! The boys were sad to leave the wide open-ness of the farm, but hopefully we will have something close one day in Kerrville......











2 comments....clicky,clicky right here.....:

Mamaw 28 said...

Great pictures!!! I love living in the country. I hope you get that kind of living if that's what you like. My city boy husband has turned in to quite the country boy. He says he hopes he never has to go back to Houston to live.

Britney said...

I (heart) your new banner! And I melt for pics of kiddos sleeping...so precious! It sounds like y'all had an awesome time!