Jan 18, 2008

Hopes & Wishes for my babies #1

So-from my last post you can probably tell i am not holding myself in the highest regards as a mother. so i figured i would write, in sort of a therapy type way, what exactly i want to accomplish as a mother.

One of the most important things i want to instill in my boys is a great sense of confidence.

i want them to know that they need to go out and grab life by the horn, take responsibility for the out come of life, which is going to require the confidence in themselves to be leaders. they need to understand the it is okay to follow sometimes, but they need to be strong and confident in their ideas, choices and opinions so they don't get lost while following.

I want them to be able to have the confidence to think outside the box and not to conform to what society wants them to be, look like or act like (of course responsibility with that, like following the law and please no black fingernail polish!)

really i want to raise them not to be shy and not reserved in opinions like their mother and father, i hope i can figure out how to do that! so - anyone have any pointers?

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