Apr 6, 2008

Reservations ....Please

to the ER!

I am surprise and grateful we have not had to make that first dreadful trip to the emergency room with K. But i am sure it is to come as the pictures to follow will prove. we have a little daredevil on our hands! he is scared of nothing, except for ants (which he reminds us of daily, if not more). and he has the energy to care out any stunt he can conjure up in that boy brain of his.

So this is what i find outside when S yells for me to come look. of course i had to scramble to get the camera ready, and it was worth it!
S says he has no idea what possessed him to do this....HUMMM?

1 comments....clicky,clicky right here.....:

Anonymous said...

Boys... so very different than girls. Looks like you can toss the castle/slide thing - lawnmowers make great jungle gyms!