Apr 2, 2008

All at once....

Just all of a sudden my little T isn't such an infant anymore. just in the last few days he has learned so much!
for starters, on saturday he learned how to go from his tummy to sitting up with out hitting the floor with his forehead. he is still up on all 4's trying SO hard to crawl, but he just can' t figure out how to get going forward.
Just yesterday his first tooth finally popped through, we didn't think that was ever gonna happen. we are lucky that so far it hasn't been as terrible experience as it was for Kyle! YIPPEE!
And for the best news, well for me anyways, is that finally after about 2 months of trying, just over night he decided to willingly open his mouth and eat big boy food!!!! I did wait to long to start trying to feed him solid food, but i just kept forgetting, our nights are so hectic. of course i am not starving my boy, he eats plenty of formula, it just sounds bad that i forgot to feed him, right? So for about 1 1/2 months or so i have been trying( forcing) him to eat. cereal at first and now cereal and carrots. poor baby would gag and throw up every time i actually got it in his mouth. that started to get better, then he got smart and just stopped opening his mouth and turning his head. i would squeeze his cheeks(not hard) to get his mouth open, but now, tonight, he decided to like it! What a relief, now we will see what happens when i try green beans!
I know i need to stop being so shocked when this stuff happens, i know he is growing up, but it just seems to be going so much faster the second time around!

Just a little something about K....
The first time i feed T cereal, K insisted on having a bite, so i scooped a big 'ol spoon full in his mouth and he threw up EVERYWHERE! he did not just spit it out, he threw up all his food!
SO a few nights after that he smartened up and knew he didn't want to eat it, but he wanted to help me feed T, so i let him hold the bowl. EVERY.SINGLE.TIME i got the spoon in the vicinity of Ty's mouth, Kyle would gag. big gags, tears in his eyes, like i was afraid he was gonna throw up! i know it is mean, but s and i laughed SO hard! he has gotten better now! i don't know what it is about my kids and their gag reflex?!

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