Mar 30, 2008

Easter Picture

here are the boys on Easter Sunday at S's grandparents.
i have never wanted to dress the boys the same, but Debra bought these shirts and i have to admit they look very handsome!
don't they look sweet?
this is an example of 2 of my biggest hang-ups when taking pictures; facing the subjects the incorrect way in consideration of the light and cutting off hands/feet. i guess the best thing for me is that i can recognize these mistakes and hopefully one day it will sink in and i can remember how to avoid it!

2 comments....clicky,clicky right here.....:

Anonymous said...

I couldn't even get my 2 kids in close proximity to each other, still in Easter outfits to attempt a pic, so this looks great to me!

*Jennifer* said...

I understand about getting them together, this was an absolutly forced picture! that is why i didn't care if Kyle was looking or not!