Mar 10, 2008

What goes around comes around........

and so on. you know all that stuff people say when you were growing up, about what life will bring you when you have your own children, pay back or something like that, right?
For several years i have been keep quite a long mental note of all the things my mom was right about.....smoking, drinking, sex(well i guess we are a little beyond that now!), grades, friends, gossip. all the stuff that ultimatly just effected me, that i wasn't willing to listen to, that i wish i would have.
Well i am passed that point of high school regret and am learning a whole new world of mom's right-ism's.
Because i swear, if i pull another one of K's 'brown-bottomed' white socks out of the dryer i might just blow up right there. Socks have become like gold around here(when i can actually find a matching pair), for the simple fact that i have the hardest time finding the kind of socks that i like for K in the right size, they are always sold out! So when i pull out clean, stained socks, worrying whether he will be taking his shoes off where we are going, i can hear my mom in the back of my mind yelling to get back into the house with socks on. i really never could figure out the big deal, now Mom you can do your happy dance, your work is done, because i
know now.
The unfortunate thing about all of this is all of the other things i am realizing she was right about. Things that effect S and I as parents as well as them, for instance; me and S having to meet K and T's friends and their parents, and teaching them to obey curfew. i HATED this, how embarrassing that i had to introduce my parents to my friends parents. I understand now, they just wanted to be sure I was safe with the people I would be staying with, and the curfew thing, well DUH!
Hopefully K and T will not be as hard headed as i was.....i think i am dreaming!

1 comments....clicky,clicky right here.....:

Heidi said...

Get a lingerie bag to put the boys socks in. Make it a game where Kyle can put the socks in their bag. Then through it in the wash and there ya go! Oh.... you're kids will probably be just as bad as you!!!!!!