Mar 30, 2008

Our first attempt...

at bluebonnets. not so good. very frustrating.

I don't know why it is so hard to get through to my husband that the WORST time to take outside pictures is in the middle of the day, but i can't.

So once again we headed out to get pictures in the bluebonnets in the middle of the day. now a veteran photographer would have been able to get amazing

pictures in the conditions we were in(bright, overcast), but all i got were mediocre shots at best, with uncooperative
kids, A LOT of squinting eyes, and crooked horizons lines.

this is where i get so frustrated because i don't catch these things while i am shooting(i tend to go brain dead as soon as the camera turns on) and fix them. i am always in the car, on the way home and realize that i am not happy with any of my results. but i guess this is how i am going to eventually learn.

So with that, hopefully we will head back to the same spot this evening and i can correct some of my technical mistakes, because i fear the the uncooperative kids will never change!

2 comments....clicky,clicky right here.....:

Anonymous said...

where did you find the bluebonnets?

*Jennifer* said...

We found the most in Chapel Hill, but in the next week or two, there should be more everywhere!