Aug 23, 2007

Daddy's boy

Scott, of couse, has been a great dad from the get go. i think that surprised a lot of people because he had always been terrified of babies. but great does not even begin to describe the what has happened in the last few weeks. this bedrest thing has been the best thing that could have happened for him and kyle.
I have watch the most amazing relationship grow between those two that it makes me almost jealous. Kyle is no longer at the moment a mommas boy, he only wants his daddy.
scott takes him outside to play in the garage, with the waterhose, he lets him push all the buttons in his truck, gives him his good snacks ALL the time. He really involves him him stuff that he is doing, like shaving here in this picture.
They go to the neighborhood park, walk around the block and to the mail box. I guess i could go on and on, because it is just to sweet to watch.
I know it has taugh scott a lot about how fast kids at kyles age learn and pick things up. kyle is always coping what his daddy is doing, so he is now having to watch EVERYTHING he does or kyle will do it!
I just can't imagine how much is to come in this sweet relationship as kyle gets older and they can do even more.

2 comments....clicky,clicky right here.....:

kukupai said...

So nice boys!

Tanya Duhon said...

Someone needs to let Scott know that he's not supposed to actually "eat" the shaving cream. I mean, what is he teaching poor Kyle??!!!

Tanya ;0)