Oct 24, 2009


i think that is how many stars we can see now that we are out of the city. when it is clear out, it is just the most amazing thing i have ever seen. being from the city(well close to it), we were lucky to see maybe 5 on any given night. now it is just surreal when you look up into the sky and there are more stars than sky...

this is my very first attempt at photographing the stars....i have a lot practice ahead of me, but it wasn't a total bust for my first time. first thing i need to do different is make sure there are not power lines above me:)!!!
this one was 30 sec exposure....
this one is almost a 5 min exposure.....

now keep in mind that i did not take an extreme measures for composition(hence the power lines) or focus, i just wanted see if i could actually get stars to show up..i was very surprised.

1 comments....clicky,clicky right here.....:

Britney said...

that's cool! i never thought about photographing the stars...