Jul 11, 2008

totally commited.....

to the big boy potty and those cute big boy whitie, tighties!! K have been practicing with the potty for a few months now, in anticipation for the real deal while i was on my vacation. it has worked well, he loves to go potty right before bath time and loves to wear his underwear to bed over his diaper, so i figured the perfect opportunity would be the week i was off, so we could totally commit to underwear ALL day!

monday and tuesday went well, but wednesday was the real test. T had a doctors appointment first thing in the morning and figured that would be the perfect time to test how well he would do out of the house. i could not believe he had NO accidents! we did however visit the restroom in the doctors office 4 times and once on the way out by the elevator. i bet you can't guess how many time he actually went potty? none. yeah, i was warned that i would know where EVER single restroom was in every store or place we visited, just so he could look! i just didn't know it would happen the first day!

he has done so well, an accident every now and then, and he still wears his night, night underwear(which he hates!), i'm still not sure if i am ready to wake up all night for him to potty.

i am just so proud of him and surprised at how quickly he has caught on. now i am preparing myself for the fact that i will take 2 years to potty train T, just because that is how it works, right?

3 comments....clicky,clicky right here.....:

Heidi said...

We are STILL working on Jacob!!! He refuses to be potty trained. It really makes me mad!!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! that is a HUGE accomplishment for your little guy. I HATE potty training. Potty training son and dog at the same time right now... and both pretty unsuccessfully at that. Brooke just woke up one day and got it, so I'm hoping and PRAYING for the same thing with him.

Stef said...

He did so great last weekend @ our house. You never know, they both might be just as easy. S & N were both potty trained quickly.