i went out this afternoon right after a short rain shower to get a little practice. for many reasons, i have not had my camera out in a while and thought it would do me some good to go out for a few minutes, even though it was just my front yard!
Aug 31, 2008
Posted by *Jennifer* at 10:56 PM 5 comments....clicky,clicky right here.....
World wide photo walk winners.....
follow the link to see the grand prize winner, honorable mentions and the winners for each city. the photographs are simply amazing. i did not get anything, i didn't expect i would. the images are at a completely different level than me, but the experience i had was so beyond winning anything!
seeing the photo's in the link will put in perspective how big this thing was and why it was so neat to participate!
please look and let me know what you think.
Posted by *Jennifer* at 10:51 PM 0 comments....clicky,clicky right here.....
Aug 27, 2008
*gasp* another picture of me.....
you do what ever it takes to get the shot, right?that is me in red and my sis next to me. the lady i meet on the photo walk (thru 2peas) is getting the picture!

Posted by *Jennifer* at 10:55 PM 2 comments....clicky,clicky right here.....
where's my majic genie lamp???
i would give my right leg, and since i am a girl and don't have a pair of my own ;), i will gladly offer up S's left one to feel, for just one day, what it is like to be organized, have a clean house, not be scatterbrained(my mind is like a thick foggy morning half of the time) and not to procrastinate.
i am sure everyone has theses days where things are off and you get a messy house, but i live like this on a normal basis.
my house is a disaster, and it is getting gross. and no, i am not talking about a dirty pair of socks here and a pillow on the couch isn't fluffed there. i am talking down right disgusting.
i can't seem to keep anything organized and our finances are a joke.
i am plagued with this on top of depression and it is sinking me. i am trying to be humorous about it, but it really isn't funny at all. it is quite scary, because i want more than anything to change and raise my boys better than i am, but i don't know how to be different. i can get in a crazy cleaning mode, but a week later it is right back to the same. same with keeping up with bills and remembering simple tasks like grocery shopping or getting the oil changed in my car. i have tried calenders, planning books, but i forget to look at them or i lose them.
so if anyone has any suggestions, words of hope or encouragement, or can point me in the direction of that genie, i would gladly appreciate it. i would hate for me or S to give up any body parts:)
Posted by *Jennifer* at 9:20 PM 6 comments....clicky,clicky right here.....
Aug 25, 2008
photo walk pictures continued.....
Posted by *Jennifer* at 8:44 PM 1 comments....clicky,clicky right here.....
world wide photowalk.....
Posted by *Jennifer* at 8:33 PM 2 comments....clicky,clicky right here.....
Aug 20, 2008
leash anyone?.....
these bad boys just might get away! yes, with all the rain, we have snails EVERYWHERE! and of course my little lizard hunter loves them! my sis called me at work to let me know K had them crawling all over him, so naturally i made her get a picture! gotta love boys.....
Posted by *Jennifer* at 10:51 PM 2 comments....clicky,clicky right here.....
Aug 16, 2008
yet another new banner.....
this banner is thanks to the tutorials giving by Jordan Krogman(find her blog link in my blog list.)
It was a very easy to follow tutorial and i am sure thankful that she took the time to write it out, complete with pictures!
i am very much photoshop handicapped aside from the very simple stuff so it was very good direction, since i figured it out on the first try!
i am sure i could make this better with practice, but i am happy with it for now.
Posted by *Jennifer* at 10:55 PM 4 comments....clicky,clicky right here.....
Aug 14, 2008
for my BIL.....
last weekend we went to try and help my SIL/BIL unpack at their new house, along with my MIL. one of the night's we where there, we had chicken fajitas with black beans, and my MIL was giving my BIL a hard time about recycling. so they agreed this would be the first item to be recycled. my BIL was being a PIA(couldn't help using more initials!), giving his mom a hard time about it being the first item, then turned to me and said, "why don't you just go ahead and take a picture of it!"
well i did, without him knowing, so here's to you Stace, smart ass:)!!!!!! happy b-day by the way!
Posted by *Jennifer* at 10:21 PM 1 comments....clicky,clicky right here.....
some will probably think we are crazy, but we still keep up with the anniversary of when we started dating. yesterday just happen to be the big day, 14 years!! i still can't believe it. we started stating right before my junior year in HS started and here we are today, married for almost 7 years with two of the most beautiful baby boys! life is great, i love him so much!
Posted by *Jennifer* at 10:16 PM 3 comments....clicky,clicky right here.....
first birthday cake.....
here are a couple of snapshots of T having his first birthday cake last night. that was one happy boy with that chocolate cake! it was just a small celebration with the neighbors, hopefully we will be able to get a real party together for him soon!
Posted by *Jennifer* at 10:13 PM 2 comments....clicky,clicky right here.....
one year.....
holy cow, my baby T is one today. i just can't believe is has been one year(in about an hour to be exact) ago today that my second, absolutely beautiful baby was born.
on one hand it has been SO quick; like it was yesterday i checked into the hospital, but on the other hand he seems like he has been around forever!
he also seems much more like a baby than K did when he turned one. i don't know, that may sound crazy!
i just can't believe how fast it goes with the second one. i just don't know where the time has gone and how he has gotten so big right under my nose!
we will See how long it takes him to walk past his birthday, i think it might be awhile, he IS NOT in a hurry!
So, here it is for baby T.....
happy birthday to you, my sweet, sweet beautiful little guy(goose, bird, little man, love bug, sweet love, well the list could go on and on and on...............................................................)
Posted by *Jennifer* at 12:42 PM 2 comments....clicky,clicky right here.....
Aug 12, 2008
...like a rhinestone booger.....
of course that is sung in the best Glen Campbell rendition as possible!
This evening my niece K, in all her three year old wisdom, stuck a nice shiny rhinestone(off her dress up shoe), up her nose.
" I wanted it to touch my boogers" she told her daddy!
Not really sure where that came from, but it is SO funny(now, that is!)
This of course happened while my sister was at the grocery store, she never goes by herself, and i have a feeling she won't again, because they ended up in the emergency clinic.
Everyone tried everything they could think of to get it out, but it just crept up so far they had no choice but to go to the clinic.
The Dr. tried to get it, couldn't, so he put decongestant drops in her nose. it loosened it up enough that she actually swallowed it. the Dr. took X-rays to be sure it was out then sent them home with further instructions. unfortunately, for the Dr. to be able to do all this, they had to strap her to a board(don't know the name of it, just that it should be called the mommy torture board!). i cannot even imagine how hysterical that poor little girl must have been:(
She is now home, asleep, digesting a pretty rhinestone!
I so wish i had a picture to go along with this, but by the time i thought about going up to the clinic(a few blocks from the house), they had already left.
i am just glad they are home; shiny, plastic booger free!
*ETA- i guess i need to go back to grammer and spelling class before i blog anymore! can't even spell booger right!?*
Posted by *Jennifer* at 10:00 PM 4 comments....clicky,clicky right here.....
Aug 5, 2008
emotions are a bitch.....
i wear my emotions on my sleeve, always have. i cry at the drop of a hat, i take on emotions and feelings that i shouldn't, that are not mine to take on. i hide my emotions and they just stir around inside me until i don't know whether i need to throw up or just explode. they get hugged, brushed, bumped and hit, that is just the nature of being sensitive and it sucks.
one thing that i need to learn (especially the older that i get), is that i can't please everyone, not everyone is gonna like me and i can't make everyone like everyone else. misunderstandings happen, everyone has different views, opinions and different sides of a story that can't always be communicated.
i think this is why i have a hard time making and keeping friends, i have a hard time communicating and i shut down if something happens. not because i don't love or value the person, but because my emotions get so strong i don't know what to do with them and it is just easier to ignore.
sometimes i wish i was an unemotional person or , i guess the better thing to wish for, is to be a stronger person so i could just deal with situations better. yeah- stronger would be good.
just thought i would share a little k-butt crack to lighten the mood after that.
Posted by *Jennifer* at 2:14 PM 9 comments....clicky,clicky right here.....
Aug 1, 2008
new playhouse.....
(this picture is from sam's club[dot]com)
Nonnie and Pop bought this for the boys and S is in the process of putting it together now. they also bought one for my niece and nephew and it took my dad 3 days of constant work to get it together!!! so it may be awhile before the boys actually get to play on it!
I can't wait until it is finished and K gets to enjoy his new play house. it won't be long before T it walking and climbing all over it, hope K doesn't mind sharing.
Posted by *Jennifer* at 11:17 PM 2 comments....clicky,clicky right here.....
potty update.....
K is fully potty trained during the day, i can't remember his last accident! but now last night he slept all night with NO accidents! i was so worried about night time, but all we he has done good during nap time, so i figure i woulds give it a try, and he did great!
i think the potty training it a success because he loves his underwear and loves to play in the soap and wash his hands by himself! whatever works.
Posted by *Jennifer* at 9:19 AM 1 comments....clicky,clicky right here.....
his first shiner.....
unfortunately this picture does it NO justice. it was big and swollen and an instant bruise. the dark circle under his other eye is just because it happened at nap time and he was VERY tired!
him and my niece K insisted on both sleeping in our bed for nap time, which usually works out, but the babies got into the room and the big kids were playing with them and then started jumping on the bed. they bumped heads and the screaming began! my K's face hit my niece's brow bone, so he got the worst of it. that was several days ago, and it still looks bad!
Posted by *Jennifer* at 9:14 AM 2 comments....clicky,clicky right here.....
out and about.....
for the last several nights we have taken walks around the neighborhood with our friends across the street and their girls. normally we end up at the playground(hardly that, it is pretty bad), but that usually ends in one or all of the kids in meltdown when its time to leave. So, last night we went to walk around the retention pond, thinking it would be quick and the kids could run and not worry about traffic. it took one hour to get around that thing because the kids LOVED running up and down the hill and S taught them how to roll down!
K loved rolling down, but always ended up rolling sideways, it was pretty funny. as much as they ran up and down that hill, K was WORE flat out. we came home, put them both in the tub(K's legs were tore up by the grass), K watch a few minutes of a movie and S put him to bed with NO protest!! it was great.
this is what we encountered on our walk, not pleasant. i like the turtles, NOT the snakes, but i guess where you have water you have snakes. that was a pretty good sized catfish and he was not gonna let anyone take it. we did see him resurface to try and get back out of the water, hopefully he did and we did not ultimately kill him for a picture:(
Posted by *Jennifer* at 8:57 AM 4 comments....clicky,clicky right here.....