Aug 12, 2008 a rhinestone booger.....

of course that is sung in the best Glen Campbell rendition as possible!
This evening my niece K, in all her three year old wisdom, stuck a nice shiny rhinestone(off her dress up shoe), up her nose.
" I wanted it to touch my boogers" she told her daddy!
Not really sure where that came from, but it is SO funny(now, that is!)
This of course happened while my sister was at the grocery store, she never goes by herself, and i have a feeling she won't again, because they ended up in the emergency clinic.
Everyone tried everything they could think of to get it out, but it just crept up so far they had no choice but to go to the clinic.
The Dr. tried to get it, couldn't, so he put decongestant drops in her nose. it loosened it up enough that she actually swallowed it. the Dr. took X-rays to be sure it was out then sent them home with further instructions. unfortunately, for the Dr. to be able to do all this, they had to strap her to a board(don't know the name of it, just that it should be called the mommy torture board!). i cannot even imagine how hysterical that poor little girl must have been:(
She is now home, asleep, digesting a pretty rhinestone!
I so wish i had a picture to go along with this, but by the time i thought about going up to the clinic(a few blocks from the house), they had already left.
i am just glad they are home; shiny, plastic booger free!

*ETA- i guess i need to go back to grammer and spelling class before i blog anymore! can't even spell booger right!?*

4 comments....clicky,clicky right here.....:

Homegrown Living said...
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Homegrown Living said...

OMG! That had to be horrible, but what an awesome story for y'all to tell when your niece brings her first boyfriend home! LOL

randi said...

Jenn, It is called a Papoose Board. It was awful seeing her pinned down on that thing. She kept screaming "z z(Linzie) hold me tight" and "get me off here".
It was funny when B first called for help and I'm sure it will be funny again in a day or two... I mean who wants sparkley boogers, right?

Stef said...

The rhinestone booger part is hilarious! The pinned down for x-ray, not so much.