Aug 25, 2008

world wide photowalk.....

this weekend i participated in Scott Kelby's world wide photo walk. it was a promotional thing for his new photoshop book that is being released. about 8,000 people world wide, in over 200 cities participated and are sharing their photo's for a contest.

my sister and i met up with the group in downtown Houston at the Sam Houston park. i had hoped that it would be a true 'walk', and everyone would stay together, talk, learn from each other, and i would get to meet new photographers(even though i was SO nervous to go with other pro's!).

unfortunately as soon as we meet up and the leader told us to be safe, everyone dispersed and that was it. i did meet up with a fellow 2peas photographer, which was neat, but i did not get a chance to talk to any other photographers.

we took pictures in the park for as long as we could stand the mosquito's, then we headed into downtown! it was definitely a different experience, i am not use to shooting cityscape, and it makes you think a lot different than shooting kids!

it was a lot of fun and i am so glad my sister joined me! i helped me feel more comfortable having my camera out in front of people!

2 comments....clicky,clicky right here.....:

Stef said...

Jenn, these are awsome. You are so talented!

Anonymous said...

How fun! Love love love the b/w one and the one with the mop. Now that you're an experienced photo walker, you'll have to show me some good places. I still need a "shooting in Manual" lesson from you!