Aug 27, 2008

where's my majic genie lamp???

seriously. i need three wishes right now, real bad. at this point in my life i feel like i am spiraling out of control.
i would give my right leg, and since i am a girl and don't have a pair of my own ;), i will gladly offer up S's left one to feel, for just one day, what it is like to be organized, have a clean house, not be scatterbrained(my mind is like a thick foggy morning half of the time) and not to procrastinate.
i am sure everyone has theses days where things are off and you get a messy house, but i live like this on a normal basis.
my house is a disaster, and it is getting gross. and no, i am not talking about a dirty pair of socks here and a pillow on the couch isn't fluffed there. i am talking down right disgusting.
i can't seem to keep anything organized and our finances are a joke.
i am plagued with this on top of depression and it is sinking me. i am trying to be humorous about it, but it really isn't funny at all. it is quite scary, because i want more than anything to change and raise my boys better than i am, but i don't know how to be different. i can get in a crazy cleaning mode, but a week later it is right back to the same. same with keeping up with bills and remembering simple tasks like grocery shopping or getting the oil changed in my car. i have tried calenders, planning books, but i forget to look at them or i lose them.
so if anyone has any suggestions, words of hope or encouragement, or can point me in the direction of that genie, i would gladly appreciate it. i would hate for me or S to give up any body parts:)

6 comments....clicky,clicky right here.....:

Homegrown Living said...

Hey Jenn, I know exactly how you feel. My house is constantly a wreck, my bar is covered with cluttered mail with bills that get forgotten and it does suck. If you find out the "cure" for this, I'm all ears! :)

Anonymous said...

I will pass on a little advice that my sweet friend Kristi gives me all the time when I'm having similar meltdowns about NOT managing my Mommy Superpowers very well... GIVE YOURSELF A LITTLE GRACE.

You work. You have 2 little ones. They probably undo everything you clean anyway, if they're anything like my boy. I have no super advice on keeping organized and clean because my house is a disaster 90% of the time. Seriously, pop in sometime and you'll see. You are not the only one. We do what we can do, and that's all we can do. Anything else I could tell you would just be platitudes.

Give yourself some grace and know that it's ok not to be SuperMom, then everything won't be so overwhelming and will seem much easier to tackle a little at a time.

Paparazzimommy_Dayna said...

I hope you are feeling better now that a few days have passed. The best advice I can give you-RELEASE! You can not be perfect! when you die-what will you regret-not getting on the floor with the kids or not cleaning the house enough? Do the one you will regret and don't look back. When you walk in my house (whenever i get one again!) I always tell people "I won't apologize for the mess, cause this is how it always is" and it's true. It's not nasty, but my kids play and live and I just don't feel like cleaning constantly! (now when the mil comes over-WHOLE NEW BALL GAME!) LOL but I do live by my planner. I couldn't function without it. What about a cell phone that has a calendar feature?

Anonymous said...

When I was growing up there was four kids all less than two years apart. We lived in a four room garage apartment with no room to spare. My mom use to have certain days to do certain things. Try putting yourself on a schedule like that where you know on Mondays you need to do maybe pay the bills, on Tuesdays maybe grocery shopping day and etc. You can even save Fridays for the wash so it can be done and finished so on the weekends you can sit back and enjoy what you did the past week and enjoy family time. I know the tedious job will start over again on Monday but just think the whole weekend will be yours. Don't burn yourself out or be overwhelmed by what needs to be done just take one day at a time and it will all come into place. It does not take a day to make a mess and it does not take a day to clean it up. As you use something put it up and as you cook something clean it up, it takes less time to clean a dish freshly used than one sitting out for a day or two. Have Scott on a schedule also give him certain things to do on certain days and he to will get a routine down. Guys usually won't volunteer to do chores at home unless you tell them to. Take care of your self and don't be afraid to talk to some one before you get to the point of no return. We are all Moms and wives that are going through or have gone through the same thing and it is not easy but it is doable.

Stef said...

Jenn, when the boys are grown what do you think they will remember. "our house was always clean" or "my parents spent a lot of time doing stuff with me"? Maybe make a list of daily "chores" & just do a few things every day. No one expects you or I to be like our mom-in-law! I can help you w/the finance part. Microsoft $ has been a lifesaver for me. I'll show you haw it works next time I see you. I know I've said it before but I'll say it again you are too hard on yourself. You are a GREAT mom, GREAT friend, & WONDERFUL person.

Anonymous said...

Music calms the beast. I listen to music all the time. It centers me. The mother of all your ADD relatives.
Adopted Mom