Sep 15, 2008

anticipating Ike.....

i have to admit two things, i was secretly looking forward to the storm, minus any destruction and death of course, and i really didn't think it was gonna be that bad around our area. i like the adrenaline that comes along with the fear of something i am to small to have any control over. and scary it was, i went to bed Friday night thinking we might get a little rain and that would be all. boy was i wrong, that had to be the scariest thing in the world, and we were on the clean 'calm' side of the Storm. i can't imagine what it would have been like if it would have gotten as big as the meteorologists had originally predicted and if we would have been in the path or on the dirty side.
there is horrible destruction and SO many people are with out so many things my heart breaks. we were very, very blessed to be safe, have electricity, food and water, i hope and pray that soon everyone that was in the wake of Ike will be safe and back to normal as soon as possible.

the first picture is of all the kiddos on the street, Friday before the storm.
S, at the last minute boarding up our window so we would feel secure while sleep, the best preparation we did!
the sunset before the storm.

1 comments....clicky,clicky right here.....:

Stef said...

WOW! Love the sunset pic. Glad y'all were OK & no damage.