Sep 5, 2008

Cars momma, please.....

Several months back, when it was time to buy K new shoes, we all went to famous footwear to look for some cool tennis shoes. You know, some chuck taylors or vans. i personally prefer shoes (and clothes for that matter) without characters, screen printing and such.
as you can tell by the well worn cars shoes in the picture i lost that battle the day we went to the shoes store with Meme.
when we got back to K sizes, he saw those shoes and made a bee line for them. i nicely and quietly told Meme, absolutely not!!! i figure i would just humor him and let him play with them , he was for goodness sakes barley 2, how could he really know what he wants???? well, he put those puppies on, and that was where they were gonna stay. he ran around that store looking for every mirror he could find. When he found one, he would stop, very dramatically raise his foot up in the air and admire his new shoes.
They are finally worn out and retired, although he still asked to wear his car shoes. i seriously dread the day he sees the spiderman light up shoes, i might have to hurl a little.

2 comments....clicky,clicky right here.....:

Paparazzimommy_Dayna said...

Oh mama..don't you know? You can't fight the power of Cars. You just can't. Luckily, Sam doesn't like those particular shoes...but he is into his Transformer tennis shoes. Those are the BOMB!

Homegrown Living said...

That's a neat picture of the shoes. Isn't it amazing how obsessed these kids can be about shoes? Addyson's like a kid in a candy store when we go look for shoes...I'm going to be in trouble when she gets older!