Jun 3, 2008

busy weekend.....

Saturday we decided at the last minute to take the boys down town the the childrens museum to play. it is just to darn hot to go to the park considering no park in our area has any shade over the toys what-so-ever!

this was the first time T has been, and the tot spot was perfect for him to crawl around! unfortunately k is at an in between stage there, the tot spot is almost to little for him, yet the rest of the museum is just a bit over his head. he still had a blast and T loved crawling around after the balls and trying to eat them!

and lucky us, they absolutely wore themselves out! we were able to keep them awake for the drive home, and then they BOTH slept for 2 hours. T has NEVER slept that long while i have been around, he does it all the time for my mom and sister! i finally had a great nap!!!!

it ended up being a late nap, so we loaded them back up, ate some mexican food and walked around a local car show. s & i love to walk around outside car shows and drool over what classic we want when we win that lottery we never play! i want an old bel-aire or some kind of old station wagon. S just wants another old truck.

on the way home we stopped and treated ourselves to marble slab. i really think that was on of the best nights we have had, just so relaxed and fun!

Sunday was spent at a distant relatives grad party, k jumped on a trampoline for like 2 hours straight, it was wonderful! he had the chance to ride on a horse, but chickened out. i would have made him, but s didn't want to.

these are just a few at the museum, i wish i had set a custom white balance, the colors are awful!

and of course i carted my heavy ass camera to the grad party and left the dang memory card at home. i am going to have to glue that sucker to me forehead or something!

this is k, very seriously coloring his face with wet crayons.

1 comments....clicky,clicky right here.....:

Stef said...

If I have time this weekend I'll send you the pics from the grad party off SH's camera.