Dec 14, 2008

early '09 resolution.....

tonight i had to finally put my foot down and made a decision. we are a family that no longer eats fast food. i hate it. it is disgusting, unhealthy, expensive, overrated, and a sorry excuse for food that is suppose to fuel our bodies, not make it fat and unhealthy, right?
now, i know this is not logical, but on the way to the grocery store tonight, we stopped to grab something convenient at sonic. first of all i was taken aback when i realized how greasy little T's grilled cheese was, but i feed it to him anyway, because i did get him a string cheese instead of french fries, which cancels out the grease....right?
Then i was about half way through my burger, when i got the same weird headache i always get when i eat fried or greasy food, i thought i was going to vomit if i took another bite, so i through it away and announced to the people in the car that this would be the last trip this carwould be making to fast food. no more, i just can stomach the thought of eating another fast food burger or taco again.
before i had K, i always thought to myself that i was not going to feed my kids this way. so unhealthily, in the car, and in a rush. S and i have had a long love affair with the drive through and you can tell by the sizes of clothes that hang in our closet. i do not want our kids to take after us, so we stop now.
i actually enjoy cooking, its the grocery shopping that gets me in trouble(well and the cleaning up afterwards, but that is whole different subject). i need to get on a schedule, get my hind end to the grocery store regularly and cook for my family. now, i just have to find some good recipes.........anyone got some they want to share?
Stef, you better pick it up a little on your food blog.

on a side note, i really don't like to post without pictures, but i have so many i am overwhelmed and so is my poor, poor computer. over the Christmas holidays i plan on cleaning up, organizing and backing up all my files so my system runs a little faster. until then i may only be posting old stuff.

2 comments....clicky,clicky right here.....:

Homegrown Living said...

Hey Jenn,

You're not alone! I feel the same way...except I can never get my hubby to stick with it... Here's hoping you have a happy and healthy new year FOR REAL! LOL :)

Anonymous said...

I am with you!! I am definitely cutting WAY back on how much nasty fast food we eat.