Dec 15, 2008

gettin' the christmas spirit.....

last week i was suffering from the major humbug's. I was trying really hard to get in the spirit for the sake of the boys, so i had a few things planned. we had already trimmed the tree and put up lights outside, and that helped, but i needed more interactive things to do with K & T. about the middle last week we came home and got dinner cooked right away, ate and got started building a ginger bread choo choo. the perfect thing for K! the poor boy could not eat the icing fast enough. T was a little jealous, but he got to spend time With daddy while me and K built the train. it took all of 5 minutes for K to lose interest and just want to eat the candy, that was okay, i still had fun. when we finished with that we bundled the kids up to go drive around looking at lights. we walked out to the best snow storm Houston has seen in a long time!!!! it was a completely magical night! we where able to get a few snow balls, T loved eating the snow and K got to catch snowflakes on his tongue! they liked it, but i think i was more excited than anyone, that helped so much to see the snow and it be the first time the kids got to experience it!

2 comments....clicky,clicky right here.....:

Homegrown Living said...

Hooray! You've found the Christmas spirit!

Anonymous said...

love it! i have been wanting to do a gingerbread house with the kids... i just have to FIND my kitchen counter first!