May 29, 2008

Been awhile.....

wow, i have really missed blogging! i didn't realize how much i enjoy it, even though i don't get many comments!

Not a lot has been going on really, we had a quiet, healthy memorial weekend. Celebrated my nieces 3rd birthday, just a small gathering with burgers and cake, i am always where there is cake! we also attended a celebration for shelly and her new husband Corey in honor of their recent marriage and to watch the awesome video!

the reason i mention a healthy weekend is because it had actually been a week or two since T has been sick, but he is making up for it now! we are guessing the poor baby has allergy's, he just can't kick his runny nose and cough.

well, unfortunately, there is not much to say. i swam last night, but before that, the last time i trained was a 6 mile bike ride last Saturday morning.

some may say what i am doing is mere exercise, but it makes it feel and sound so much better to say train. i think that is why this is something i am going to stick with because i am training for a goal and not just to lose weight(i know losing weight is a goal, but this is different, i am challenging myself).

i know i have not been doing good and eating worse, but i have NOT given up. i am still training to compete in a triathlon, i just have to start at square one in the morning. I CAN DO THIS!

the other thing that has happen, that makes me weak in the knees to actually say, is i have been asked to take the photographs at a friends wedding. it is a small event, in October, at sunset.
i feel so flattered and think this will be good experience for me, i can't wait!

Guess that means i need to really start practicing everyday(poor kids!)!!!

1 comments....clicky,clicky right here.....:

Heidi said...

I sure am proud of you Jen!!!!